Friday, April 10, 2009

Still heading south along the Pacific Coast in Mexico

Hey folks, 

Sorry we have not blogged in a while. Blogging in Mexico is complicated- you need to have all sorts of tools, like high-speed internet, patience, good conditions, perfect weather, patience, and magic.  Anyway, we have had problems with blogger so you can check out our photostream on flickr which has been more cooperative for uploading.

We are now kicking it on our second farm in Rebalsito, Mexico.  We are having a lot fun and quiet. It is mostly a coconut and mango farm and is only 10 minutes by a beautiful bike ride from Tenacatita Beach and Jalisco's largest coral reef. Life is good here. We usually do our watering duties and chores like burning palm frawns and taking care of the plants in the morning and head to the beach in the afternoon.